What’s new on Temporall? The Summer Release

It's been a summer of innovation and engineering at Temporall.

Innovation never stops at Temporall. We’re continuously investing in expanding our platform’s capabilities to drive more value to our customers.

Our Summer release of Temporall was our biggest yet, packed full of capabilities to bring you decision intelligence on your digital workplace.

1. Introducing Google Workspace Analytics (GWA)

Understand the impact of Google Workspace on your organisation with Temporall’s Google Workspace Analytics.

Our new Gmail Dashboards show Activities, Interactions and Distribution, featuring over 25 new question-based cards across these Dashboards to bring automated insights that are fully configurable with time and company demographic filters.

Gmail analytics also includes the ability to view Gmail via Networks – a unique opportunity to assess connection across Gmail, for the very first time:

Calendar Dashboards are also now available, covering Participation, Activity, Trends and Teams, including over 25 new question-based cards. Temporall allows all insights to be filterable by company demographics and date.

2. Slack Analytics Upgrade

We’ve given the Temporall Slack Analytics a major upgrade too with improved Dashboards across Members, Channels, Messages and Activities.

Filtering options have also improved with the Google Sheets integration. Temporall PSO integration supports the connection of third-party data, for example, eNPS data from an employee engagement tool and hybrid working location data.

3. Fresh Workbench UI

Temporall has a new User Interface for all dashboards and insight cards. The new look is designed to clearly deliver critical information and answer the key questions asked by customers about their organisation, every day. 

3. Internal Benchmarks

With Temporall, you can find best practices and areas for improvement by discovering company averages and comparing to filtered states. For example, compare how new hires in the US and the UK are integrating into their teams and how this compares to the company average. Similarly, discover the impact of new hybrid working policies on the working hours of your younger and more junior employees, contextualised by the wider company average.

Temporall now also allows for the direct comparison of two filtered states using our Compare functionality. For example, zoom into the demographics of the US and the UK, by selecting the US as a Filter, navigating to Compare and select a second country to compare to.

4. Networks

Networks is one of our most powerful part of the Temporall platform and we know it delivers incredible decision intelligence for our clients. So we’ve added even more functionality to allow you to configure the visualisation of your networks to meet your organisation’s specific needs. New Network Signatures have been added to Temporall’s leading organisational connection and collaboration analytics capability. Clients can now deliver automated decisions intelligence on their networks by choosing the network signatures to utilise. Users can choose to use Connectors or Brokers as their Network Signature.
In addition to new Network signatures, users can now benefit from selecting the Connections size, which indicates strength, as a slider.

5. Historical Data

The pace of business transcience is ever-increasing. As a result, you’re making more decisions – and making them faster. It’s critical to look back and assess the impact of these decisions so we’ve added the ability to harness historical data from your existing digital workplace tools. You can now add up to 12 months historical data to Workbench. This is available as a new SKU.

6. Flexible Weekday and Weekend Data Display

You can now select the specific days you want to view on Temporall. Adding this additional flexibility allows a more granular view of how and when is taking place across an organisation and its teams. For example, you can choose to view your data on Temporall with insights from Weekends either included or excluded.

7. Third-party Data Records Integration

Temporall now supports Google Sheets no-code data integration via our PSO Team. This new capability allows companies to ingest records such as eNPS or Engagement metrics from third-party systems and use them as data sources for filtering. For example, users can now integrate anonymised eNPS data and filter Workbench via eNPS displays (Promoter, Neutral and Detractor) on Networks.

It’s just getting better.

Our Summer release of Workbench was our biggest yet. These are just some of the feature highlights that we know will deliver further value to our clients.

We can show you how this can meet your unique organisational needs and help you navigate the future of work.

Book a demo or start a conversation with the Temporall team here.

Contact us to see how our Digital Workplace Analytics platform can help you drive better business outcomes.

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