Unlocking Gemini for Workspace Potential:

10 Key Insights from Enterprise Early Adopters

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As organizations embark on their journey with Google Workspace’s Gemini AI, early adopters are paving the way for a transformative workplace. At Temporall, we’ve had the privilege of working closely with some of the most well-known and respected Google Workspace Enterprise customers who are not only evaluating but now deploying Gemini. We are delivering cutting-edge data and AI analytics and are super proud of what the Temporall team is achieving. We are shaping how industry measures and maximises AI in the workplace to truly empower users. Here are some key learnings from our work:

1. Gemini Changes How Work Gets Done

Gemini’s ability to automate routine tasks, summarize information, and enable faster content creation has a significant impact on daily workflows. The speed at which work can be completed is notably improved.

2. Data-Driven Insights Guide Decision-Making

Organizations are eager to measure Gemini’s impact and identify where it adds the most value. This data guides licensing, investment, and deployment decisions.

3. Quantitative and Qualitative Data Work Hand-in-Hand

While surveys offer valuable feedback, objective, quantitative data provides a more comprehensive understanding of Gemini’s impact, especially at scale. Combining the two allows organizations to correlate insights for a deeper understanding.

4. Measuring AI's Impact on Work Speed and Redistribution is Crucial

This critical insight allows project teams to convey Gemini’s true ROI and payback to project, programme, and executive teams, influencing evaluation and deployment plans.

5. Larger-Scale Deployments Require a Depth of Objective Data

With significant investments on the line, organizations need data-backed insights to support go/no-go decisions.

6. Change Management is Key to Success

Successful Gemini deployments hinge on effective change management, training, and enablement efforts, supported by data to pinpoint areas of focus.

7. Identify and Empower Gemini Champions

These early adopters play a pivotal role in driving organization-wide adoption and creating a positive network effect for work transformation.

8. Gemini's Impact Extends Beyond Direct Users

Understanding how AI affects collaboration and work patterns for non-Gemini users is crucial for managing its overall impact on the organization.

9. Ongoing Measurement and Reporting is Essential

Tracking adoption and impact success metrics over time allows project and executive teams to make data-driven adjustments to program strategies, ensuring short and long-term success.

10. Developing Workplace Skills and Capabilities is Crucial

Forward-looking companies recognize the critical link between user skills and AI’s value creation. This will be a key theme for 2025 as organizations strive to unlock AI’s full potential.

Temporall: Your Partner for Google Workspace Analytics

Temporall offers industry-leading analytics and reporting for Google Workspace, including Gemini.

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